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Welcome to Grove Academy
Welcome to Grove Academy
Welcome to Grove Academy
Welcome to Grove Academy

App Design Group Garden App Launch

The App Design Group launched their wildflower app at Shiell Street Community Garden this Wednesday.
The App Design Group have been updating their Grove Garden app with additional wildflowers and the Green Growers have been busy maintaining and developing the garden. A group of 10, P6 pupils from Barnhill came along to try out the app and learn a bit about wildflowers by carrying out a quiz. There was an art table for stone painting and design work. The S4 Prince's Trust group provided soup and a sandwich for everyone there. This was part of their Healthy Lifestyles unit. The S2 Outdoor Learning Group had been down the previous day setting up the grid lines and QR codes that the app uses to take you to the wildflower information site.
As Mr Smith, the Barnhill PS teacher said, "it is great to see so many different groups from Grove all coming together to work on a project."