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Welcome to Grove Academy
Welcome to Grove Academy
Welcome to Grove Academy
Welcome to Grove Academy

Blythswood Shoebox Appeal 2018

Grove Academy's Blythswood Shoebox Appeal begins on Monday 17th September for three weeks. Blythswood Care provides an annual gift for people in deprived areas of the world. This provides many people with hope and joy that they would otherwise be without at this special time of year. In 2017 Blythswood Care distributed more than 115,000 shoeboxes to 9 countries, to people who may otherwise go without any gifts at all.

In their tutor groups, pupils will have the opportunity to contribute to create a gift for someone in need this Christmas. Checklists are available with all the vital items to be included as well as a few added extras. In 2017 we managed to collect 250 boxes, and this year we are aiming to make 300 shoeboxes - this is only 1/3 of a box per person.

Let’s get organised now and make sure we have helped achieve our target by the October holidays!