Welcome to Grove Academy
Welcome to Grove Academy
Welcome to Grove Academy
Welcome to Grove Academy
Welcome to Grove Academy

Celebrating Achievement Event

Due to the unprecedented number of requests for tickets from parents/carers for the Celebrating Achievement Event, we have already exceeded the numbers permitted in the Games Hall for Health and Safety reasons, not even taking into account the Award Winners, guests and musicians!  (The Hall although large has restricted exits and thus we can only accommodate a limited number of people).  We have therefore decided to split the ceremony and on Monday 26th September we will celebrate the achievement of our current S5 and S6 pupils only and in the Assembly Hall, due to the smaller number of Award Winners. Our speaker, Professor Louise Hayward, will attend for the ceremony on Monday.

We shall arrange for a further Event to celebrate the current S2-4 pupils on Thursday 3rd November in the Games Hall.   Further details to come. Parents/carers who have requested tickets for their S2-4 children will have these tickets honoured at the second ceremony.

I apologise for any inconvenience, but it seemed the fairest way to ensure as many parents/carers as possible could see their young person’s achievement being celebrated!