Welcome to Grove Academy
Welcome to Grove Academy
Welcome to Grove Academy
Welcome to Grove Academy
Welcome to Grove Academy

Claypotts Road Roadworks

Dear Parents/Carers

Due to the  current roadworks on Claypotts Road, the road is now one way north.  Access to the school can only be made by approaching the school on Claypotts Road from the south.  Exit from the school grounds can only be by turning right and going north on Claypotts Road.  

If parents must drop their children off at the school, I would advise them to do so in Davidson Street or Albert Road for the time being.

I have already had complaint about parents driving south from Davidson Street into the school grounds in what is now a one way street in the other direction.  This is illegal.  The police have been informed of these infractions.

Thank you

Graham W Hutton


Grove Academy

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