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Welcome to Grove Academy
Welcome to Grove Academy
Welcome to Grove Academy
Welcome to Grove Academy

Fairtrade Fortnight - Pancake Breakfast

For 2 weeks each year, thousands of individuals, companies and groups across the UK come together to celebrate the people who live in the poorest countries that provide our food. They are often exploited and get badly paid for the job they do.

This year they are focusing on the women whom grow the cocoa needed to make the chocolate that is loved by so many. A typical cocoa farmer lives on less than 73p per day. £1.82 is the amount a cocoa farmer in West Africa needs in order to achieve a living income. For women it is worse as they do the same thing as men but receive less for their work.

Fairtrade is campaigning for a living income to become a reality for cocoa farmers in West Africa.

Support Fairtrade fortnight at Grove by attending our Fairtrade Pancake Breakfast on Friday 1st March from 8.15-8.45 in the snack canteen.