Welcome to Grove Academy
Welcome to Grove Academy
Welcome to Grove Academy
Welcome to Grove Academy
Welcome to Grove Academy

Global Youth Climate Strikes

Dear Parent/Carer,

It has come to our attention that a number of young people have indicated that they intend to take part in the Global Climate Strike that has been called on through https://globalclimatestrike.net/ starting September 20th. The Friends of the Earth website is indicating that a rally is being planned for Dundee https://foe.scot/climate-strikes/.
Although we understand fully the intentions behind this planned action and would wish to encourage our young people to be responsible contributing citizens, this needs to be balanced with the education of our young people and their safety.
Schools in Dundee will be open on September 20th to work with all pupils as normal. There are no plans to suspend education for September 20th or any Friday that follows where action is planned. 
Where young people decide to participate in any action, then parental permission must be received as with any other school absence. If this permission is received, absence from school on the first day of action on September 20th will be regarded as authorised. Where no parental permission is received, then the absence will be treated as unauthorised. 
Any requests for attendance at action on subsequent Fridays after September 20th within school session 2019/20 will be treated by the school as unauthorised , even where parental permission is granted. 
We would wish to be clear that where pupils participate in further Global Climate strike action with parental permission, although this would remain unauthorised absence, it is not envisaged that this would lead to any action against parents for pupils failure to attend school. Schools would work with colleagues in Corporate Services to ensure that these particular unauthorised absences do not negatively impact on Educational Maintenance Allowances.
Parents should be aware that Dundee City Council is not responsible for the safety of young people attending any action organised as part of the Global Climate Strike.
Paul Clancy
Executive Director