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Welcome to Grove Academy
Welcome to Grove Academy
Welcome to Grove Academy
Welcome to Grove Academy

Grove Academy School Uniform

Dear Parent/Carer

Grove Academy School Uniform

As we start the new timetable and head towards the summer holidays, I am taking the opportunity to remind parents, carers and pupils about the standards of dress at our school.  

In this day and age it is important to review the security of the school in order to ensure our young people and staff are safe. In a school of over 1250 young people, it is impossible for every member of staff (teaching and support) to know every pupil.  It is therefore very important that all pupils are recognisable in uniform as belonging to the school.  We are therefore insisting that all pupils wear the full school uniform at all times, including school blazer and tie.   The blazer and other recommended items are available from our supplier on-line at Logoxpres: www.logoxpres-schoolwear.co.uk   Logoxpres is currently offering senior blazers at a reduced price with a free school tie thrown in.  This is a great bargain.  A supply of school ties is also available from the school office.  Pupils can try on blazers for size in the School Support Workers’ office.

A number of second hand blazers in very good condition are available from Mrs Holligan in the Support for Learning department.  School Clothing Grants are also available.  If parents/carers are in receipt of Income Support, Income Related Employment and Support Allowance, Universal Credit, support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999, Housing Benefit, Council Tax reduction or Child Tax Credit with an income of less than £16,105 (as assessed by HMRC) you may be entitled to receive a grant towards the cost of purchasing essential clothing to enable children, up to the age of 16, to attend school.  Application forms can be made online at: https://mydundeeaccount.dundeecity.gov.uk/secure-info or forms are available from the school office or from Dundee House.

Please note that the following items of clothing are not acceptable at Grove Academy: leggings, trainers, black or blue denim jeans and jackets, leather jackets, tracksuits, hoodies, T-shirts and garish sweatshirts and very short skirts or shorts. Girls should be able to touch the hem of their skirt when their arms are held straight down by their sides.  Items of clothing which are embellished with slogans or other emblems are also not permitted.  The wearing of football scarves and jerseys is not allowed nor is the wearing of badges or emblems liable to offend others.

In addition, the new PE kit is available from the local supplier on-line at http://www.directsoccer.co.uk/club-shop-c70/grove-academy-c208 and I would also recommend this to you.

I would ask all parents and carers to support the school and insist their child attends school in full school uniform from the start of the new session in August.  My staff will be following up those who do not wear the appropriate uniform. The new daily Tutor Time at the start of each day should allow us to monitor this.  Pupils who do not wear full school uniform may not be allowed to take part in school trips or represent the school in sports or other teams.

Earlier this year I visited a large secondary school in one of the most deprived areas of Glasgow. Every child was wearing full school uniform, including a blazer and tie.  That was part of their school’s very proud ethos and one which we in Broughty Ferry can also aspire to have.  The wearing of school uniform reinforces both a sense of equity and identity within the school. I look forward to your support in this matter.


Yours sincerely

Graham W Hutton


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