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Welcome to Grove Academy
Welcome to Grove Academy

Higher & Advanced Higher Prelims Jan 2023.

Dear Parent/ Carer (S5/6 pupils)

Prelim Examinations – Higher and Adv Higher Jan 16th- Jan 27th, 2023.

To help prepare pupils for the SQA Exam diet starting in April 2023 we have arranged a prelim diet of examinations. The prelim examinations will enable pupils to experience what it is like sitting the main SQA diet in May/June. It will also give staff the opportunity to gather evidence showing a pupil’s progress to this point in the school year.

Higher and Advanced Higher Prelims will begin on 16th January and run until Fri 27th January. Pupils will receive an exam timetable with room allocations later this week. We will also post the timetable on the notice board outside the main hall and on the school’s website.

Due to the volume of pupils sitting exams and the ongoing issues with room availability we have agreed with the Education Department that pupils can have the first week of prelims as study leave. This means that during the second week (w/b Monday 23rd January) pupils should follow their normal timetables when not sitting a prelim.

Any pupil who does not have 1 or more Higher exams will be expected to follow their timetable throughout the whole of this assessment period as their learning will continue.

Pupils who are entitled to Alternative Assessment Arrangement will get individual timetables from our SfL department.

If you have any further questions, please contact Mr Doherty, DHT.

Yours Sincerely

Graham Hutton
