HMIE Associate Assessors
Education Scotland: LAY MEMBER VACANCY
Education Scotland is actively recruiting members of the public to join our school inspection teams as Lay Members. Lay Members take a particular interest in aspects of school life, including relationships between staff and pupils and schools’ partnerships with parents and the local community. You will spend one day in the school. You will make a positive and valuable contribution to improving Scottish education bringing a new perspective to our work. You will contribute to the overall work of a school inspection team, resulting in a published report for parents. The report identifies strengths and areas for improvement and help schools to improve the experiences and achievements of children and young people.
We are looking for people form a variety of backgrounds, with different skills, experience and knowledge. Our Lay members team will benefit from a membership drawn from a range of life experiences. You should have no professional links to the education sector. This means you must not have been employed in the field of education e.g. as a teacher, support assistant, lecturer or community learning and development worker.
Participation is on a voluntary basis although travel and subsistence expenses will be reimbursed. You will carry out the role for a maximum of three years.
Successful applicants will be invited to a selection process. Those successful at interview will require a PVG check then undertake a two-day induction programme followed by further training as required. As a Lay Member, you will be expected to write your notes in clear, concise English.
We are committed to building a team of lay members that fully reflects the diversity and plurality of modern Scotland.
If you, or anyone you know would be suitable for the post please visit the vacancies section of our website for full details and how to apply at the following link
The closing date for receipt of applications is Monday 8th October 2018.