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Welcome to Grove Academy
Welcome to Grove Academy
Welcome to Grove Academy
Welcome to Grove Academy

HPV Immunisations S1 & S2

The HPV immunisations take place on Monday 24th May in the Dance Studio. All of S1 & S2 pupils are due to be immunised. The consent forms issued for S2 last year are still are valid are they were for both doses of the vaccine.

There is also a catch up session for some senior pupils- names in bulletin and at the Medical room.

Please wear a short sleeved shirt, or a t-shirt under your school shirt, and remember to have breakfast.

If any S3-6 pupils have returned a form and are not on the list, please let us know, and attend the hall at 2.45pm. If you have an assessment this afternoon please come and arrange a different time.

Also if anyone in S1 has not returned their form, it is still possible to be immunised – go to the hall at the time allocated to your class.

Any queries or worries, or problem with your allocated time please come to the medical room before and ask.