Welcome to Grove Academy
Welcome to Grove Academy
Welcome to Grove Academy
Welcome to Grove Academy
Welcome to Grove Academy

Immunisation sessions in school


All S3 pupils have been offered the DTP and MenACWY vaccine- consent forms have been issued by Tutor teachers and some pupils in S4/5/6 who were not immunised last year have also received consent forms.

Immunisations will take place on Monday 28th March but the consent forms need to be returned by 19 Jan.

Any pupil in S3 who does not receive a letter from their Tutor teacher, or any S4/5/6 pupils who has not yet been immunised please come to the Medical room where we can arrange to get you a consent form.

Please return completed forms to Tutor teachers by Wednesday 19th Jan. This applies whether or not you will be immunised.


HPV Immunisations

All S1 pupils and all S2 pupils will have the opportunity to receive their HPV immunisation in June.

S1 pupils have been issued with consent forms; all S2 pupils and some S3 pupils who received their first dose of the HPV vaccination last year will receive their follow up dose, but as their consent forms were completed last year and are still valid they will not receive a letter this time. Similarly, if a pupil was absent last year, but a consent form was returned to the Immunisation team, this consent is still valid and they should attend at the time allocated to their class.

S2 pupils who did not receive the vaccine last year will be given another consent pack giving them the opportunity to have it this year.

Please return completed forms to Tutor teachers by Thursday 20th January. This applies whether or not you will be immunised.

If any pupils have any queries or concerns, please ask them to come to the medical room to speak to us.

We do understand that some young people may be anxious about receiving a vaccination in school. The NHS staff who come in work in schools all the time and are always brilliant at working with our pupils and reassuring them if they are at all worried.

However if you forsee a real difficulty for your young person, or if there is a medical reason why they would be better with different arrangements, please get in touch.