Information on vulnerable and keyworker Hub arrangements Grove Academy
Between 15 March and 1st April, we will still be providing a hub arrangement for vulnerable pupils and children of key workers.
As almost all teachers will be involved in delivering face-to-face lessons for full days there will be a limited capacity for the hub. As outlined in previous communication to parents, due to the organisational challenges surrounding the return of pupils, hub provision during this period should for keyworker families only where essential.
As contact will be maintained with vulnerable pupils during the days they are due to attend school for timetabled lessons, hub provision for vulnerable pupils should normally be based only on the full days that pupils are not timetabled to be in lessons (for example Mondays and Fridays for S2 etc).
Pupils attending the hub should wear full school uniform from 15th March and should also bring PE kit suitable for outdoors on all days they are attending the hub.