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Welcome to Grove Academy
Welcome to Grove Academy

Malicious Fire Alarm Activations

Please read the letter below, issued on behalf of the Scottish Fire & Rescue Service

Dear Parent/Guardian,

Malicious Fire Alarm Activations

The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service have recently attended a number of fire alarm activations within the school your child attends. Some of these activations have been caused by a malicious act which is a criminal offence.

This has an impact on our resources as it may prevent us from attending other emergency calls. This also has an impact on your child’s learning and every person and staff at the school due to the disruption caused whilst we carry out a search of the property to establish the cause.

We will work with school staff to investigate the alarm activations and if the pupil(s) are identified, this information will be passed across to Police Scotland and Dundee City Council Anti-Social Behaviour Team.

In order to reduce the number of malicious activations, I would ask you to discuss the consequences of this and just how serious this can be with your child as it is putting people at unnecessary risk and it is in everyone’s interest that this type of incident does not happen again.

Kind regards


Lewis Duncan

Watch Commander

Local Authority Liaison Officer

A copy of this letter can be downloaded from the Grove Academy website.