Welcome to Grove Academy
Welcome to Grove Academy
Welcome to Grove Academy
Welcome to Grove Academy
Welcome to Grove Academy

New Procedures For School Day

Welcome back to every one of you!

We are back but in very different circumstances. We are all, staff and pupils, adapting to the new normal! Please remember we are covid free at the moment and we want it to stay that way!

Please help to do so by doing the following:

  • Sanitising or washing your hands as soon as you enter the building
  • Always enter the building by the appropriate door which is nearest your next class
  • Please ensure a 2m distance from staff where possible
  • Wipe down your desk/workstation before the lesson

During break and lunches, please remain in your allotted year group bubble areas:

  • BGE:
    • S1 – Assembly Hall or Courtyard
    • S2-3 – Dining Hall or Playground
  • Senior Phase:
    • S4 – Assembly Hall or Courtyard
    • S5-6 – Dining Hall or Playground - The S6 canteen area is not in use.

Please do not wander around the corridors. You must stay in the prescribed area.

S6 must be in school for Tutor time and periods 3 and 4 (long days) and tutor Time and period 3 (Short Days) for NHS Test and Trace reasons.

When traveling to school on public transport, or going to the shops in the Ferry at lunchtime you MUST wear a face covering. That is the law.

You are allowed to wear face coverings in the school.

If you or a member of your household develop Covid-19 symptoms, please do NOT come into school, but follow the procedures laid down by the NHS.