Welcome to Grove Academy
Welcome to Grove Academy
Welcome to Grove Academy
Welcome to Grove Academy
Welcome to Grove Academy

Participatory Budgeting at Dundee City Council

Dundee City Council is leading the way in Participatory Budgeting. This is a process by which members of the community become more involved in making decisions about how some of the budget is spent.
Dundee's Participatory Budgeting process, "Dundee Decides," is now live - www.dundeedecides.org

This is open to anyone over the age of 11 who lives in Dundee. Please go onto the site, select the Ward in which you live (e.g. Ferry) and select which of the identified projects you would like to see funded and delivered by the City Council.

You have up to £150,000 to spend (any underspend will be used to further enhance the successful projects at the end of the process). You will be asked to supply an email address and postcode to verify your vote and you can go back into the vote at any time to change yours, by following the same process and entering the same email and postcode again.

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