Welcome to Grove Academy
Welcome to Grove Academy
Welcome to Grove Academy
Welcome to Grove Academy
Welcome to Grove Academy

Robin Geddes – Life Coaching from the inside out. Anxiety and Young People.

25th September 2018 6:30pm - 8pm @ Grove.
Robin Geddes – Life Coaching from the inside out. Anxiety and Young People.
Robin Geddes is a fully qualified Master Practitioner of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) Advanced Clinical Hypnotherapist and Motivational Life Coach, (Dip.C.Hyp/NLP). 
We are very grateful that he has agreed some time with us to speak with parents about anxiety in young people, which is becoming an increasingly challenging condition.
Through his own life experiences he has learnt that whatever life throws at us can make us stronger and more resilient to deal with life’s challenges along the way. It’s about having the confidence to overcome the challenges that can be a barrier living a full and happy life.
Robin specialises in working with young people who suffer from anxiety and teaches them how to be more confident.

Robin’s personal philosophy….
“A complete belief that each and every one of us has untapped potential and are capable of achieving truly great things if we can build the self-belief and confidence to unleash our own inner selves”
More information can be found at: