Welcome to Grove Academy
Welcome to Grove Academy
Welcome to Grove Academy
Welcome to Grove Academy
Welcome to Grove Academy

S1 Transition

Dear Parent/Carer

I have contacted the Head Teacher of your child's primary school to make arrangements for the P7 children, who will be making the transition to Grove, to take part in the Grove Academy S1 Induction Days, held at Grove Academy, on Thursday 15th and Friday 16th June.

Each day pupils should assemble in the Plaza (the paved area of Grove Academy directly opposite Eastern Primary) at 8.45am where they will be met by Grove staff and S6 buddies who will bring them into the school.  During these three days, the pupils will be taken around the school by their buddies, meet their Guidance Teacher, be informed about school procedures, such as attendance, uniform, learn about after-school activities, sample a secondary timetable by attending classes in many of their subjects, meet some of their teachers and get to know their classmates.  Your child should bring the usual school equipment and his/her PE kit, in case this is needed. Primary school uniform should be worn on the induction days.

At lunchtime, pupils should either bring a packed lunch or buy their lunch at the school cafeteria. We use the cashless Young Scot card system in the dining hall. These Young Scot cards are usually delivered directly to Grove and will be distributed to the P7s on their first morning.   Pupils who receive their Young Scot cards at their home address should bring their card with them for use over the three days. No PIN numbers will be issued, pupils will only be able to purchase food using their cards.  During all breaks, including the lunch break, all P7 pupils should remain in the school grounds.

During one of the two days representatives from the school blazer and uniform company, Logoxpres, will visit the school to size all P7 pupils.  Your child will be given a leaflet indicating the size of blazer your child requires and information on how to place an order on-line.  The school has no locus in the ordering or payment for school blazers. Please note that there is a renewed expectation that all Grove Academy pupils wear a blazer as part of the school uniform.

At 2:45pm on Thu 15th and Fri 16th, P7 pupils will be dismissed from Grove Academy. It may be the case that school crossing patrols are not all in operation at these times, so pupils should take extra care while crossing roads on their way home from Grove.   If you would like to collect your child at this time, please arrange to do so. Please note that, for reasons of health and safety, the school prefers that cars are not driven into the car park area to wait for and pick up pupils.

We would like to have a permanent record of the induction days, which means there will be photographs taken and possibly some filming.  If you do not wish your child to be photographed or filmed, please contact Mr Hutton directly at the school.

Please note that only children who have a place in S1 at Grove Academy should attend the 2-day induction. Those pupils not coming to Grove should endeavour to attend the induction days arranged by their receiving secondary school.

Regarding the study of Modern Languages in S1, all pupils will study both French and German over the course of S1. Half of the year will be spent studying one language and the other half of the year the other language. At the end of S1, pupils will be asked to indicate their preferred language. It is hoped that this preference would be accommodated for S2 and that they would study this one language only in S2 and S3.

As part of our Induction Programme I would like to invite you to our S1 Induction Parents and Carers Evening on Wednesday 14th June at 6.30pm in the school Assembly Hall. Pupils should not attend this meeting.   This gives the school the opportunity to present you with some more detailed information and provides an opportunity for you to liaise with school staff and in particular, your child’s Guidance Teacher. You will have an opportunity to see the Grove Academy P.E kit and note details on how to order it. You will also be given details regarding our Parent Council.

As a prelude to our induction days, we are keen to meet with you online before the Induction Days and answer any questions you may have. The teams meeting will be on Wed 17th May – 5.30pm on teams. A link will be provided on the primary transition page http://grove.ea.dundeecity.sch.uk/p7-transition.

Please e-mail any questions in advance to the teams meeting to groveacademy@dundeeschools.scot and mark them for the attention of Mrs Barbour.

To join the Teams meeting please use the hyperlink below (right click and open hyperlink) or scan the QR code with a tablet or mobile phone.  We would ask those joining to mute their computers.

Click here to join the meeting (or use the link on our website)

If you have any queries about these arrangements, please contact Grove Academy. Our school staff are looking forward to meeting you and your child in June and to welcoming you to Grove Academy.