Welcome to Grove Academy
Welcome to Grove Academy
Welcome to Grove Academy
Welcome to Grove Academy
Welcome to Grove Academy

S3, S4, S5 & S6 Immunisations


S3 Pupils have been issued with consent forms for immunisations which will take place on Tuesday 11th & Wednesday 12th February.

All S3 pupils will be offered the DTP and MenACWY vaccines and some pupils in S4/5/6 who were not immunised last year will also receive consent forms.

Any pupil in S3 who has not received a letter from their Tutor teacher please come to the school medical room where we can arrange to get you a consent form.

Please return completed forms by Monday 20th Jan. This applies whether or not you will be immunised.

A nurse from the Immunisation Team will be in the school dining hall on Wednesday 22nd at lunchtime to answer any pupil queries.

If anyone has any concerns or are worried at all, please come to the medical room and talk to us.