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Schools Asymptomatic Testing Programme Survey

Surveys for Secondary School Pupils and Parents/Guardians of Secondary Pupils

 The Scottish Government would like your help to improve the schools asymptomatic testing programme.


What is the Schools Asymptomatic Testing Programme?

Some people may have COVID-19 but not have any symptoms. The testing programme aims to help secondary school pupils and staff in schools and childcare settings to find out if they have the virus, so that they and their close contacts can self-isolate. This should help reduce the extent to which the COVID-19 is likely to be passed on in school/childcare communities, reducing the likelihood of outbreaks.


Why are we being asked to complete a survey?

The Scottish Government would like to learn how to improve the testing experience for school communities. In order to do this, we are asking secondary school pupils and the parents/guardians of secondary pupils a few questions about their experience of and views on the testing programme. The surveys should take about 5-10 minutes to complete. Pupils aged 15 and under will be prompted to discuss their participation in the survey with a parent or guardian.

Please watch this short video from Professor Jason Leitch encouraging people to participate:


Do we have to fill out the surveys?

Your participation in the surveys is voluntary. You may choose not to participate. If you do decide to participate, you may withdraw at any time. All replies are anonymous. We will only use the information you provide to help improve the testing programme and the support we give to those involved. Thank you for your help.


Is anyone else being asked to do a survey?

Yes, we will be asking school staff and others involved in managing the testing programme for their views too.


Links to the surveys

Here are the links to the surveys:

If you have any questions about these surveys, please feel free to get in touch with clare.magill@gov.scot.