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Welcome to Grove Academy
Welcome to Grove Academy
Welcome to Grove Academy
Welcome to Grove Academy

Scottish Portrait Awards

Calling all creative artists and photographers at Grove - there are so many of you out there who have a real talent and could, with ease enter the very prestigious Scottish Portrait Awards. The Awards are a fantastic opportunity for anyone 16years and over to enter their work with the chance to win a £500 cash prize!

There are two categories as follows:

  • The Scottish Portrait Awards in Fine Art is to submit a portrait in any 2D or 3D medium - all painting formats, all sculpture formats, collage, printmaking, weaving, photography, digital art or anything else.
  • The Richard Coward Scottish Portrait Award in Photography a special award for black and white photography only.

The Scottish Portraits Award exhibit in both Edinburgh and Glasgow where they feature 30 works from both categories: Young Fine Artists and the Young Photographer competition. They are seeking diversity as well as powerful art. The only limit is on the size of
the work.

If you are interested in finding out more come along to Art and Design Wednesday 13th February at Lunchtime 13:30 to Mrs. Mikkelsens room Art and Design 5.