Welcome to Grove Academy
Welcome to Grove Academy
Welcome to Grove Academy
Welcome to Grove Academy
Welcome to Grove Academy

Secondary school provision within East Dundee

Letter to Grove Academy Parents/Carers from Paul Clancy (Executive Director of Children and Families Service)

Dear Parent/Carer

Secondary school provision within East Dundee.

I am writing to inform you that one of the items for discussion at the Children and Families Service Committee to be held on 27 January 2020 will be a proposal to enter into formal consultation in relation to learning estate options concerning Braeview Academy and Craigie High School, specifically:

  • the closure of Braeview Academy and Craigie High School and the redelineation of existing school catchments to form a new single catchment area for a new joint secondary school/community learning campus from August 2024;
  • and the expansion of the catchment area for Grove Academy from August 2024 to embrace the current Craigiebarns Primary School catchment area.

This letter provides parents and carers notice of the above proposal, details of which are available on the Dundee City Council Website at: https://www.dundeecity.gov.uk/reports/calendar, from 21 January 2020.

If the report going to Children and Families Service Committee on 27 January 2020 is agreed, the formal consultation period will commence on 10 February 2020 and further information will be provided including a formal proposal paper.

Also Importantly, we wish to again seek your views as they are crucial in helping decide how to take matters forward. To do so, we will hold public consultations in each school, seek the views of each Parent Council; school staff; pupils; the community; the Local Community Planning Partnership and all relevant stakeholders.

Letter available on our website.