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Welcome to Grove Academy
Welcome to Grove Academy
Welcome to Grove Academy

SQA Information For Pupils And Parents

The following information can downloaded as pdf here.

As you are aware, the Depute First Minister has announced that this year’s exam diet will not go ahead. Firstly and most importantly, please do not worry. We will be doing everything we can to ensure no young person in the Senior Phase is disadvantaged and the Scottish Government, with SQA, will be working with us on this. We understand that this is an uncertain time for everyone but we will keep you up to date with the important information as soon as we know more. 

You can read the latest updates from the SQA here.  We are awaiting further guidance from SQA.

In the meantime, here are the details we currently know and answers to some questions we know many of you are asking:

Will pupils’ achievements this year be recognised

Yes. Pupils’ achievements over all of their courses will be recognised this year. The SQA will ask our teachers to provide an estimate grade for all of each pupil’s courses. This estimate will be based on the teacher’s professional judgement of what the pupil would likely have achieved in the exam in May, if it had taken place.  This professional judgement will be informed by various factors, such as  the evidence we have (not just the prelims but any tests, assessments, homework and achievements throughout the year), any other suitable course work done, and any improvement the pupil has made in the eyes of the teacher since the prelims.   The SQA will also look at a variety of data including prior attainment information where appropriate, we are awaiting final details of how the SQA will approach certification. Estimate data will not be sent to SQA until the 24th April 2020.

Why do I not need to complete the coursework for my course

The latest advice issued on Tuesday 24th March stated that schools are now not required to submit coursework for marking in Higher or Advanced Higher courses. For National 5, most of the coursework has already been submitted to SQA and may be marked accordingly. However, they have now confirmed that coursework which was due to be uplifted in April and May will now not be required to be submitted to the SQA. Any coursework that may have already be completed, or can be submitted remotely, can still be used by your teacher to inform their professional judgement.

Why should I continue to complete online tasks set by my teacher when I know that the school cannot submit this work to SQA for marking

We are currently awaiting more information from the SQA about how they will use the estimation of grades and what their approach to certification will be and we will update you once we know more details. The SQA have advised that teachers may consider work that will not be uplifted and marked by the SQA as part of the ‘body of evidence’ they use to inform their professional judgement. Therefore, your teachers will continue to work with you remotely (i.e. via GLOW or Microsoft teams, etc.) This can help provide additional information that may inform the professional judgements made by staff. It is therefore important that you continue to engage with your teachers online, even despite the changes from SQA, as it will ensure that you develop the knowledge and skills to progress to the next level in that subject. This also applies to you if you are in S6 and preparing for college, university, an apprenticeship, etc.   We recognise, of course, the importance of ensuring that young people are not disadvantaged and we will work with the SQA to ensure this is not the case.

Will I receive certification for achievements this year

Yes. The SQA have explained that that results should be issued no later than Tuesday 4th August 2020 as planned. SQA are also encouraging everyone to sign up for MySQA which you can access by clicking here.

I was disappointed with my prelim grade – does that automatically mean a poor estimate grade? 

No. Historically year on year, a large number of pupils make improvements in their performance between the prelims and the actual exams and prior to the recent rapid developments, the leadership team met with the heads of each department to discuss likely attainment in what would have been the forthcoming exams. These discussions reflected this historic trend. In addition, staff will also factor in the expected performance of pupils in what would have been their coursework. This usually boosts the overall attainment of pupils compared to reliance on exam performance only.

Can my teacher tell me what grade I am going to get in my exams?

No. We are currently awaiting more information from the SQA about estimation of grades and fuller details of the SQA’s approach to certification.  We will update you once we know more details. We normally submit estimate grades by the end of April and similar to other years, teachers do not know what you will get awarded for a subject and will not know until Tuesday 4th August when you receive your certificate. Estimates provided by the school will form only one part of the process, it is SQA who will make the final decision and not the school. Please do not contact teachers directly about your estimated grades.

I have produced work at home – can that contribute to the estimate grade? 

As we’ve already mentioned, you should continue to do any work your teachers may put online in order to help inform their professional judgements for estimating grades. We already have lots of work and information from this year which is helping staff make those judgements. 

Can I find out what my final grade will be before Tuesday 4th August? 

No. The SQA will make this decision and all awards will be published on 4th August.

What about my UCAS application?

UCAS have provided a statement on their website stating that the grades you receive will be equally as valid as those in previous years and that there is no reason for the usual admissions cycle to be disrupted. Universities UK has confirmed that institutions will be flexible and do all they can to support you to progress to higher education. You can read their full advice here. Remember all young people in the country are in the same position. 

Will my estimated grade be the same as my UCAS predicted grades?

No. Your predicted grades were provided at a very early point in your course and based on your teachers’ judgement in November. Your estimated grades will be based on much more robust knowledge of your progress in your courses and might differ from grades provided at the time of your UCAS application.

Can I still apply for courses at College?

Yes. As you will be aware the college, like your school, is currently closed due to the COVID-19 outbreak. D and A College staff are continuing to work remotely and will continue to process all applications. Applications must be completed as soon as possible. If you have already applied to a course then you should have received an email from the college with details of what will happen next.   

Will I still get my Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA) when the school is closed?

EMA payments will continue. It is assumed that you are accessing learning online via Glow, etc.

I am leaving this year and I need support with what to do next. How can I still get help with this?

We remain committed to supporting our leavers into a positive destination and will do all we can to continue to offer our support during these uncertain times. If you have any questions, then contact your Guidance teacher or our SDS worker

What if I have any more questions?

You can contact your Guidance teacher on Glow. Updates and information will be provided as and when we receive it. 


Please be assured, you are our absolute priority. We are committed to supporting you and ensuring that your hard work throughout this year is recognised. We will all get through this difficult time together. 

Graham W Hutton


Grove Academy

27 March 2020