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Welcome to Grove Academy
Welcome to Grove Academy

SQA Update 13th April 2020

Friday 10 April 2020

Dear Parent/Carer



I write to provide you with the latest information from the SQA regarding the certification of National Courses and Awards.   Following a statement by the Chief Examiner on 2 April 2020, the SQA has issued a Guide for Learners, Parents and Carers which I attach. Both these documents are already available on our website, school app and twitter page. 

The key points from the SQA Chief Examiner are:

  1. Schools have been asked to provide an estimate of the grade and band for all learners entered for National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher courses by 29 May 2020. 
  2. The SQA will provide schools with more detailed guidance on how to determine and submit estimate grades by 20 April 2020. 
  3. The SQA will not mark any coursework which has already been submitted by schools or remains in schools and will no longer be uplifted for National 5, Higher or Advanced Higher courses.   In addition, schools will not submit marks for coursework which has already been internally assessed.
  4. In National 2, National 3 and National 4 Qualifications - schools will assess all units and submit a pass/fail result by 22 May 2020.
  5. Schools must retain all assessment evidence in connection with National 2, National 3 and National 4 Qualifications, Free standing Units at SCQF levels 5, 6, 7, National Certificates, National Progression Awards, Skills for Work Courses and SQA Awards until December 2020.


Teachers will be taking account of a wide range of assessment evidence, including pupils’ work throughout the year, and not just pupils’ results in earlier Prelim Examinations.  Importantly, teachers/schools will also be considering assessment evidence and attainment data which shows improvement by learners following Prelim Examinations. This is an important point to note which you may wish to discuss with your child. 

I know that this is an anxious time for you, as parents, and for our young people, but would ask that you trust us.   We know our young people very well and we will work through all of the advice provided by the SQA to ensure that their achievements are rightly and fairly recognised.  On that note, I would appreciate your help with a very important matter.  Please

do not ask any member of staff for your child’s estimate grade.  As stated, we still await more detailed guidance from the SQA on how we determine and submit estimate grades.   As outlined in the statement from the SQA Chief Examiner, the SQA will “adjust estimates where necessary, to ensure consistency both across the country and in comparison to previous years.”

With sincere thanks for your continued support.

Yours sincerely


Graham W Hutton
