Welcome to Grove Academy
Welcome to Grove Academy
Welcome to Grove Academy
Welcome to Grove Academy
Welcome to Grove Academy

Statement on School Closures

Dundee City Council children and families service convener Cllr Stewart Hunter:

“Dundee City Council has been making preparations for schools to be closed for some time and we are making sure that resources are available for children to continue their learning at home.

“While we are awaiting the full details of these closures, we are looking at a number of ways to support pupils with their education.

“Homework packs for primary pupils and online resources for secondary pupils are being made available, while we are making full use of the online Glow system.

“We will particularly be putting in place measures to support pupils who are due to sit exams, vulnerable young people and children of emergency service workers.

“We understand that this announcement will have childcare implications for many families across the city, and we are working hard to help them through this extremely challenging time.

“Further details will follow in due course.”