Welcome to Grove Academy
Welcome to Grove Academy
Welcome to Grove Academy
Welcome to Grove Academy
Welcome to Grove Academy

Timetable Change 2022

Timetable will change on Monday for all pupils.

Pupils should attend their tutor class at 8.45am on Monday where they will be given their new timetable. Any pupil not in on Monday should report to the school office when they are next in school next week and they will be issued with their new timetable.

Pupils who have PE on Monday will be informed via teams by PE staff.

Pupils attending college will start on Monday/Tuesday -  information has been sent by email to pupils about these arrangements.

Mrs Barbour will meet with pupils who are attending other schools for HNC management and Leadership and AH campus subjects not taking place at Grove on Monday at break and information about this will be given to tutor teachers on Monday.

Any pupil with a query about their timetable should see their Guidance Teacher in the first instance. The deadline for requesting any changes to timetable is Friday 10th June