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Welcome to Grove Academy
Welcome to Grove Academy
Welcome to Grove Academy
Welcome to Grove Academy

Tree of Knowledge Health Survey

Tree of Knowledge who have worked with Grove for a number of years, have provided a health and wellbeing survey for pupil/staff and parents. Parent/pupils can complete the survey from this page the link is:

Wellbeing Survey - Grove Academy: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/PJGGWGR

Some pupils will be asked to complete the survey in class. Details of the survey and FAQ are as below.

Dear Parent/Guardian/Carer,

Your child’s school has chosen to participate in the TOK Research Mental Wellbeing Survey 2018. Its purpose is to help the mental wellbeing of pupils, staff and parents in your school community. The information below will help you understand what you and your child will be asked about and how your data will be used. Any information you or your child share with us will be treated with the strictest confidence and your individual results will not be shared with anyone. Your school’s data may be used to help us understand mental wellbeing across Scotland. Before you decide whether you and your child would like to participate in the survey, it is important that you understand why the survey is being conducted and what it involves. Please take time to read this information carefully.

Why has my child’s school chosen to take part in this survey? Schools across Scotland are being asked to measure the health and mental wellbeing of their staff and pupils. Your school is also interested in the mental wellbeing of parents/guardians/carers. The Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing scale is a tool designed to help measure mental wellbeing. This survey is one measure that can help schools monitor and track the wellbeing of their staff, pupils and parents. What does the TOK Research Mental Wellbeing Survey involve? You and your child will first be asked to answer a few questions about your sex, your year group, role (pupil/staff/parent/guardian/carer) in the school, and then you will be asked to complete the Warwick Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale. This scale is made up of 14 questions that tell us about how you are feeling. We will ask you these questions 4 times throughout the year, so we can find out if the way you feel changes. There are no right or wrong answers. The survey takes approximately 5 minutes to complete.

Do we have to take part? Although we hope you and your child will take part in this survey, it is completely your choice whether you take part or not. You, or your child, can choose to withdraw at any time. Can I see my own or my child’s answers? No, but you can request a blank copy of the survey if you wish. 2 | P a g e TOK RESEARCH Will my child’s responses affect how he or she is treated at school? The head teacher has agreed to your child’s school being involved in this study. Individual results will not be reported back to the school and all data is collected anonymously so neither you, or your child can be identified. Neither you, or your child will be treated differently if you choose not to take part in this survey.

Could taking part in this survey upset me or my child? Thinking about mental wellbeing can be a positive experience but it may also make you feel upset or uncomfortable. If you, or your child, are affected you can talk to your teacher, parent/guardian or a trusted adult. If you prefer, you could call Childline on 0800 1111 or contact your GP. Does my child know about the survey? Yes, they will be given information at school about it. What happens with our data? This survey is anonymous, so you and your child cannot be identified. Apart from sex, school role, and year group (pupils only), no identifying personal data is collected or reported. Should the response rate be so low that individuals could be identified, no analysis will take place and data will be deleted. All data will be stored securely in a password-protected electronic format and accessed from a password-protected computer. Only the TOK Research team members will be able to access any school’s data. Your own and your child’s data will be analysed with the rest of the data from the year group/staff/parents, participants of the same gender and the rest of your school. This will allow us to find the average responses from each of these categories and will allow us to build a picture of the mental wellbeing of your child’s school. This information will then be compiled into a report for the school.

The school’s data may be compared to other school’s data in a future study. TOK Research’s full privacy policy can be found under “TOK Research” here: www.treeof.com/legal

Where can I get more information? If you would like any more information about this survey, please email Helen@treeof.com (Research Lead) Or Alice@treeof.com (Project Lead) 3 | P a g e TOK RESEARCH Opt Out Form TOK Mental Wellbeing Survey 2018 Please only complete this form if you do not want you or your child to participate in this study. I

if you would prefer your child NOT to take part in this study, please let the school by printing the form below and returning it tutor teachers  I confirm I have read and understood the attached information relating to the TOK Mental Wellbeing Survey. I understand that the information from this survey will be kept completely confidential and anonymous and that any reports from this survey will not reveal my child’s identity. I understand that taking part in this survey is a choice and I or my child can withdraw at any time without giving a reason and without being treated differently at school.


I would like to opt myself/child out of the TOK Mental Wellbeing Survey. 

I DO NOT consent to taking part

Name of Parent/Guardian/Carer …………………………………………………………………… Date………………………… Signature…………………………………………

Name of Child……………………………………………… Class/tutor group…………………