Welcome to Grove Academy
Welcome to Grove Academy
Welcome to Grove Academy
Welcome to Grove Academy
Welcome to Grove Academy

Modern Studies Transition

 Who are we?

Mr RobertsonMiss Dow

Mr Robertson, Miss Dow & Mrs Neilson

Mrs Neilson

Where are we?

In school the Modern Studies department has 3 classrooms, MS1, MS2 and MS3 which are located on the top floor of the school.

Online all S1 work will be posted on SMHW and you can find us here:

Twitter: @_gams_

Instagram: _instagams_

SMHW: https://grove.satchelone.com/school/homeworks/calendar?all=true

Grove Home Learning Portal: https://blogs.glowscotland.org.uk/dd/modernstudies/


What do we do?

Modern Studies is where you study what is going on in the world. We examine social, political and international issues. In S1 we study Democracy in Scotland, Poverty in Scotland and China.


All activities can be sent on Twitter: @_gams_, Instagram: _instagams_ or emailed to ddcdow399@glow.sch.uk

Activity 1


Take a virtual tour of the UK Parliament and the Scottish Parliament. Describe in any format you like (pictures/summary paragraph/video/poster/leaflet/twitter post) what the differences are.


UK Parliament Tour - Click here.

Scottish Parliament Tour - Click here. 

Activity 2


Watch/Read/Listen to the news this week. Pick one news story and explain why you thought it was the most important story – give details on the story and your own opinion in any format (pictures/summary paragraph/video/poster/leaflet/twitter post)

Activity 3


If you could change one law in Scotland/UK/any country in the world right now what would it be and why? Explain in any format (pictures/summary paragraph/video/poster/leaflet/twitter post).

Activity 4


Use LEGO or any other creative visual materials to make a representation of current issue around the world. Take a picture or a video to show us.