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Welcome to Grove Academy

Self-Referral Process for Counselling Service - Further Information

Self-Referral Process for Counselling Service – Grove Academy

N Heath Counselling Service


Any pupil between S1-S6 can self-refer to the school counselling service.

Pupils:  Information on the School Counselling Service to be available to pupils through leaflets and posters in and around the school.  Information will also be sent to pupils through their glow emails, telling them about the service and how they can access it for support.  Guidance staff can also promote the service through Social Education Classes and one to one appointments.

Parents:  Information to be available to parents about the counselling service, via leaflets, texts and through the school website. http://grove.ea.dundeecity.sch.uk/grove-signposts

Self-Referral Process

Pupils can complete the back page of the “information for young people” leaflet.  This should be sent or given to their guidance teacher to be passed to the school counsellor (Nicola Heath).  The counselor would then contact the pupil directly.  The same process would then follow as if it were a guidance or parental referral.  Guidance Teacher will be informed when pupil is contacted, assessment made and the outcome of this and next steps.  The assessment appointment will always be given as soon as possible to assess risk and need.   

Self-Referral, Consent and Capacity (Guidance for Staff)

If a pupil has stated on their form that they do not wish parents to know they are asking for support, then a conversation between the young person and the most appropriate adult working with them will happen. Usually young people are willing for this communication to take place, and often parents/carers welcome the support of a school counsellor.

Schools are advised that where a young person is unwilling for the school to approach the parents/carers, counselling can go ahead if the young person is 12 + and the school and counsellor can confirm that the young person has the capacity to consent in their own right.   An acknowledgment of the young person’s rights to access support services is important.  Any significant concerns would always be communicated to the relevant parties and the best interests of the pupil considered.  Young people will always be encouraged to communicate with parents about their needs and issues. This would be discussed in counselling sessions.  It may be that following an initial consultation the pupil is signposted to another service for support.

If the young person is unwilling for the school to contact their parents/carers, and they are 16 years old or older, then the same consideration of capacity is not required, and the young person can request to access the service without discussion with parents/carers.  The final decision however, rests with the school, based on the young person’s capacity to consent in this instance.

At the initial session, the principles of counselling will be explained to the young person, using terms and resources that are accessible and appropriate to them and an appropriate way forward planned.  Again, this may involve signposting to other agencies.

School Counselling Service Form from N Heath can be downloaded from our website here.

If you require counselling support during school holiday please contact Nicola Heath directly on nheath767@dundeeschools.scot. Nicola is available on Wednesdays and Thursdays.

Nicola will not be available week beginning 26th July or 2nd  August 2021